|United Systems Internship|

United Systems Internship


About two weeks ago, from January 12th to January 16th, I held an internship with United Systems. United Systems is an IT management company. This internship was part of an internship program that my school has. They give you the time off from standard school to go out and experience the workplace in field that you are interested in. I contacted United Systems and asked them if they would have an intern for a week. They said that they normally don’t accept interns under the age of 18, however, because I already had experience and knowledge in that area they would accept me. It was a fantastic week and below is a powerpoint of what I did all week.

Here is the powerpoint:

I had a great week and Chris, the manager at United Systems wrote me an awesome letter of recommendation!

Letter of Recomendation United Systems 2015-page-001

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